Saturday, March 24, 2012


Jim Smash gave me a good review, how cool is that. If you like the Alien film series, Movies, Comics, or just cool stuff check out Jim Smash:

Scott turned me and Mary onto his blog and I check it daily for cool news on neat stuff.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Ripley and Rascal love corn on the cob.


This was the first real Tatarelli Bros Production. My brother Joe was I think 14 at the time I made this. The cast was really just him and Kyle Garzia. My dad and a couple friends filled in as puppeteers for various scenes, and the whole thing was shot in an 8 foot by 10 foot room that I kept changing. I built and did everything for this and it was a lot of fun to work on. I really wanted to make more shorts like this one, but life took over and my crappy delivery job and factory job ate up my time.

-John Tatarelli Jr.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

From the Files of Pork Squad

Heres a little sneak peek at what I'm working on now for future episodes of Wasted Footage. These two piggy's are part of an on going Dragnet type spoof. I got an idea for a double composite trick that will bring these two and there squad car to life. I'm sculpting the car now and I'll post some more pics when the molds are done. They aren't bad cops, these two take there cue from the fun loving police officers of 50's Sci Fi flicks. One classic police man I always liked was Earl Rowe as Lieutenant Dave from the 1958 classic The Blob. Not directly spoofing any characters, I just hope to capture the feeling of the easy going officers of yesteryear.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Wasted Footage Episode 2

Wasted Footage Episode 2 stuff

The top pic was a rough sketch of the inspiration for Episode 2. I showed Jordan this and he "got it", its exactly what we wanted for his bit. The bottom is the fake dope I made for the sketch. Up close it looks terrible but on film it works.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Freddy vs Johnny

Next to my computer is a Freddy mask I made 2 years ago? I think it was 2 years ago.....anyway I always wanted to make a Freddy mask. I think my sculpting style (if you agree that I have one) lends itself to Freddy. I loved digging in and creating all his grooves and melty looking detail. What happened was, there was a Nightmare on Elm Street theme at the one convention me and Jesse were gonna get a table at. So he got to work on building some New Nightmare gloves (which was Freddy's hand in New Nightmare), and  I decided I wanted to make a Freddy mask. Nightmare on Elm Street was never really "my" franchise though. I've watched em a hundred times each, love the series but Friday the 13th is "my" franchise of choice. So when choosing what Freddy to sculpt it was really a no brainer to me. I loved that little scene in Freddy vs Jason where he was full on demon Fred. So thats the one I went with.....was it a success? No, not really, people liked it but I never sold one. So now he stares me down everytime I hop online. Little side note, I like my sclupt more than my finished mask.....Just like with my drawings I love black and white, shadows and light are more interesting to me than color. ( thats why I have multiple sculpture shots instead of multiple mask shots)

Jesse and Me make monsters at Monster Bash

Creepy Classics invited the Reelmagik gang to do make up at the Monster Bash Con. Me and Jesse got to work together making classic monsters. The con was a ton of fun(even though me and Jesse only left the make up room a couple times the whole weekend). From the time we woke up until we went to bed we were prepping, making up the crew members, removing the make ups and then cleaning to prep for the next monster. It would be dream come true to get to do this for a living.