Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How bout some fire Scarecrow

Made a Scarecrow for my dads garden. Hope it does the trick and keeps the animals away. Thinking about getting a spotlight for it, maybe solar powered so it doesn't have to be plugged in.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

More Critters

(bad phone-photo) Just finished 8 Critters for sale soon at www.houseofmysterioussecrets.com

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Sorry Been Busy

Haven't been posting much, been trying to finish some puppets for upcoming episodes of Wasted Footage. Also I'm editing ahead of myself so that way I don't fall behind on Episodes (hope I don't fall behind). Also I'm putting together more Necronomicons and Critters for my friend Kevins store ( www.houseofmysterioussecrets.com ), and its almost time for Jesse and me to start prepping for Monster Bash.